API for cljs.stacktrace - clojurescript

Full namespace name: cljs.stacktrace


Public Variables and Functions


Usage: (mapped-frame {:keys [function file line column]} sms opts)
Given opts and a canonicalized JavaScript stacktrace frame, return the
ClojureScript frame.



Usage: (mapped-line-column-call sms file line column)
Given a cljs.source-map source map data structure map a generated line
and column back to the original line, column, and function called.



Usage: (mapped-stacktrace stacktrace sms)
       (mapped-stacktrace stacktrace sms opts)
Given a vector representing the canonicalized JavaScript stacktrace
return the ClojureScript stacktrace. The canonical stacktrace must be
in the form:

 [{:file <string>
   :function <string>
   :line <integer>
   :column <integer>}*]

:file must be a URL path (without protocol) relative to :output-dir or a
identifier delimited by angle brackets. The returned mapped stacktrace will
also contain :url entries to the original sources if it can be determined
from the classpath.



Usage: (mapped-stacktrace-str stacktrace sms)
       (mapped-stacktrace-str stacktrace sms opts)
Given a vector representing the canonicalized JavaScript stacktrace and a map
of library names to decoded source maps, print the ClojureScript stacktrace .
See mapped-stacktrace.



Usage: (parse-file {:keys [host host-port port], :as repl-env} file {:keys [asset-path], :as opts})
Given a browser file url convert it into a relative path that can be used
to locate the original source.



No usage documentation available
Parse a JavaScript stacktrace string into a canonical data form. The

repl-env - the repl environment, an optional map with :host and :port keys
           if the stacktrace includes url, not file references
st       - the original stacktrace string to parse
err      - an error map. :ua-product key defines the type of stacktrace parser
           to use, for example :chrome
opts     - additional options. :output-dir maybe given in this argument if
           :host and :port do not apply, for example, a file path

The canonical stacktrace representation can easily be mapped to a
ClojureScript one see mapped-stacktrace and mapped-stacktrace-str

Logo & site design by Tom Hickey.
Clojure auto-documentation system by Tom Faulhaber.