Vibes are music, arguments are lyrics

July 2024

When you listen to a song, you happily sing the lyrics without understanding them. For example, R.E.M's "Losing My Religion" is a Southern phrase for “I’m out of patience” and has nothing to do with religion. The confusion bothers no one, the song is great regardless.

That is how we perceive arguments:

  • The vibes are the music, the main thing you listen to.
  • The facts and logic are the the lyrics, secondary and only relevant if the vibes are good.

If somebody has the wrong vibe, we don't care if their arguments are sound. If somebody has the right vibe, it doesn't matter if their arguments aren't sound.

Like in music different vibe genres work for different people. For example, I don't like angry and snarky arguments but I fall for interesting and "akshually" arguments.

This is also called "mood affiliation". We like arguments that match our mood. But I thought the music and lyrics framing matched well too.